I am trying to build "webos-image-devel" for qemux86 with #154.
I got a built image. I cannot see any build error.
Did you run scripts/prerequisites.sh before this build?
jenkins@86cd14f27800:/home/webos_build/OSE/build-webos$ source oe-init-build-env
Altered environment for qemux86@webos development
jenkins@86cd14f27800:/home/webos_build/OSE/build-webos$ bitbake webos-image-devel
Parsing recipes: 100% |######################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:18
Parsing of 2607 .bb files complete (0 cached, 2607 parsed). 3622 targets, 368 skipped, 44 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION = "1.40.0"
BUILD_SYS = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING = "ubuntu-18.04"
TARGET_SYS = "i586-webos-linux"
MACHINE = "qemux86"
DISTRO = "webos"
TUNE_FEATURES = "m32 i586"
WEBOS_DISTRO_BUILD_ID = "unofficial"
WEBOS_DISTRO_TOPDIR_REVISION = "01a1b618c7aa17a54cb18c664a6707344b7634b6"
WEBOS_DISTRO_TOPDIR_DESCRIBE = "builds/master/154"
DATETIME = "20200207014916"
meta-security = "thud:31dc4e7532fa7a82060e0b50e5eb8d0414aa7e93"
meta-webos-raspberrypi = "master:82acd7142e93f9b61b78d6f27d825350d82d03e7"
meta-raspberrypi = "thud:4e5be97d75668804694412f9b86e9291edb38b9d"
meta-webos-backports-2.7 = "master:82acd7142e93f9b61b78d6f27d825350d82d03e7"
meta-qt5 = "warrior:171871280307126c94faeeb90fb635a26495459d"
meta-virtualization = "thud:7685c7d415e0002c448007960837ae8898cd57a5"
meta-updater = "thud:0b087a34b708bfd808a013b3656f543d2709692e"
meta-oe = "thud:446bd615fd7cb9bc7a159fe5c2019ed08d1a7a93"
meta = "thud:cd7cf933b3235560ec71576d8f3836dff736a39f"
Initialising tasks: 100% |###################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:06
Sstate summary: Wanted 2799 Found 0 Missed 2799 Current 0 (0% match, 0% complete)
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
WARNING: libffi-native-3.2.1-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL ftp://sourceware.org/pub/libffi/libffi-3.2.1.tar.gz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: alsa-lib-native-1.1.6-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/lib/alsa-lib-1.1.6.tar.bz2, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: cairo-1.14.12-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL http://cairographics.org/releases/cairo-1.14.12.tar.xz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: fontconfig-2.12.6-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL http://fontconfig.org/release/fontconfig-2.12.6.tar.gz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: harfbuzz-1.8.8-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL http://www.freedesktop.org/software/harfbuzz/release/harfbuzz-1.8.8.tar.bz2, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: dbus-glib-native-0.110-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL http://dbus.freedesktop.org/releases/dbus-glib/dbus-glib-0.110.tar.gz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: gstreamer1.0-1.14.4-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gstreamer/gstreamer-1.14.4.tar.xz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: glibmm-2.56.0-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/glibmm/2.56/glibmm-2.56.0.tar.xz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: lvm2-2.02.180-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/lvm2/old/LVM2.2.02.180.tgz, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: g-media-pipeline-1.0.0-21-r4 do_patch:
Some of the context lines in patches were ignored. This can lead to incorrectly applied patches.
The context lines in the patches can be updated with devtool:
devtool modify <recipe>
devtool finish --force-patch-refresh <recipe> <layer_path>
Then the updated patches and the source tree (in devtool's workspace)
should be reviewed to make sure the patches apply in the correct place
and don't introduce duplicate lines (which can, and does happen
when some of the context is ignored). Further information:
Applying patch 0001-Add-raspberrypi4-and-raspberrypi4-64-targets.patch
patching file CMakeLists.txt
Hunk #1 succeeded at 34 with fuzz 1.
Now at patch 0001-Add-raspberrypi4-and-raspberrypi4-64-targets.patch
WARNING: alsa-plugins-1.1.6-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/plugins/alsa-plugins-1.1.6.tar.bz2, attempting MIRRORS if available
WARNING: connman-1.35-r0 do_patch:
Some of the context lines in patches were ignored. This can lead to incorrectly applied patches.
The context lines in the patches can be updated with devtool:
devtool modify <recipe>
devtool finish --force-patch-refresh <recipe> <layer_path>
Then the updated patches and the source tree (in devtool's workspace)
should be reviewed to make sure the patches apply in the correct place
and don't introduce duplicate lines (which can, and does happen
when some of the context is ignored). Further information:
Applying patch 0011-Provide-station-information-when-AP-mode.patch
patching file gsupplicant/gsupplicant.h
patching file gsupplicant/supplicant.c
patching file include/technology.h
patching file plugins/wifi.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 3286 (offset -1 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 3525 (offset -1 lines).
patching file src/connman.h
patching file src/manager.c
patching file src/technology.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 2074 (offset -44 lines).
patching file src/tethering.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 29 with fuzz 1.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 52 (offset -2 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 63 (offset -2 lines).
Hunk #4 succeeded at 80 (offset -2 lines).
Hunk #5 succeeded at 749 (offset -2 lines).
Hunk #6 succeeded at 772 (offset -2 lines).
Now at patch 0011-Provide-station-information-when-AP-mode.patch
WARNING: linux-yocto-1_4.18.33+gitAUTOINC+865683fc87_1a564c76f4-r0 do_kernel_configcheck: [kernel config]: This BSP sets config options that are not offered anywhere within this kernel:
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 7667 tasks of which 5 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
NOTE: Writing buildhistory
NOTE: Build completion summary:
NOTE: do_populate_sysroot: 0.0% sstate reuse(0 setscene, 564 scratch)
NOTE: do_package_qa: 0.0% sstate reuse(0 setscene, 413 scratch)
NOTE: do_package: 0.0% sstate reuse(0 setscene, 413 scratch)
NOTE: do_packagedata: 0.0% sstate reuse(0 setscene, 413 scratch)
NOTE: do_package_write_ipk: 0.0% sstate reuse(0 setscene, 413 scratch)
NOTE: do_populate_lic: 0.0% sstate reuse(0 setscene, 572 scratch)
Summary: There were 13 WARNING messages shown.