Ares-device ERR! [syscall failure]: connect ECONNREFUSED ares-device ERR! [Tips]: Connection refused. Please check the device IP address or the port number

I wanted to write a simple application on webos, I downloaded the emulator, wrote a small html file, added it to the folder, and also added icon.png and appinfo.json
with the command ares-install /Users/hostnes/WebOS/myapp.ipk (the archive in which all the files are located) I tried to upload the archive to the emulator, but it gave an error
[Info] Set target device : emulator
are-device ERR! [syscall failure]: connect ECONNREFUSED
are-device ERR! [Tips]: Connection refused. Please check the device IP address or the port number
how can this be fixed?

Hi @hostnes, welcome to the forum.

Your problem seems to be caused by not establishing a connection with the emulator. Check the network setup in the [Setting Up the Virtual Machine in VirtualBox] (User Guide | webOS Open Source Edition) section.

Or you can set up more easily using Emulator Launcher | webOS Open Source Edition.