Ares-install doesn't work

I can't install my webapp in raspberrypi. (I installed latest version of webOSose and ares-cli)

1st Try to make sure below sample webapp template is working with below steps

ares-generate -t webapp -p "{'id':'', 'version':'1.0.0', 'title':'new test app'}" ./webapp
ares-package webapp
ares-install --device pi com.domain.app_1.0.0_all.ipk
ares-launch --device pi

In case installation is failed with above step, then could you please update the OSE CLI and try same again the same steps.
In case if above steps are working, try to install with your IPK. And if still issue exists then please share the jounald logs.
(refer to below post on how to capture journal log in device terminal)