i added permissions to use ble apis like below
"id": "com.test-rssi.app",
"version": "0.0.1",
"vendor": "ssafy",
"type": "web",
"main": "index.html",
"title": "test-rssi",
"icon": "icon.png",
"requiredPermissions": [
and made variables like this,
(all beacon names are "ESP" same and major&minor number different.)
var getRssiApi = 'luna://com.webos.service.bluetooth2/le/startScan';
var getBEACONParams = '{"subscribe": true,"name":"ESP"}'
but idk how to get Subscription responses...
Response :
"subscribed": true,
"returnValue": true,
"adapterAddress": "b8:27:eb:1b:4f:01",
and thats all.
by using WebOSServiceBridge, how can i get Subscription responses?
do i need to make js service or native service?
is making js service while running webApp possible?