How to use your sample on the emulator?

I'd like to use your sample code(GitHub - webosose/samples: sample codes in OSE site.), so I can see on the emulator. So I tried to whatever I can, but I don't know how it works. :frowning:
My situation is that I can execute the emulator. So I want to use your sample code on the emulator.
I referenced 'Developing Built-in Web Apps | webOS Open Source Edition'.
Please give me advice detailed.
Thank you.

Hi @heehee , welcome to the forum.

Could you explain more details about your problem? (Ex. I stuck in the configuring step in the tutorials...)

The complete steps are following:

  1. Set up the emulator (you already done)
  2. On your host machine, build web app and deploy it as shown in the Developing Build-in Web Apps.
  3. And deploy the app using shell. (How to connect guide )
  4. Run the app on the emulator


Thank you for your replying. But I'm still confused :frowning:
In the tutorials, step 3, is it means that the recipe file is "samples/web-apps/build-config/`"?
So that, what is the destination directory? Am I have to make that directory?
And am I have to move the configuration file to destination directory(build-webos)?

Destination directory is a directory from You might use this directory when you build the emulator.

To build .ipk file, you have to build again using build-webos directory with configuration in the tutorial.

I tried to build .ipk file, but isn't works..
I tried to 'bitbake webos-image' and 'make webos-image', they trying to server connection, but it comes error with this message "ERROR: Unable to connect to bitbake server, or start one (server startup failures would be in bitbake-cookerdaemon.log)."
What should I do?

If that error can fixing, then what should I do next?
In tutorials step 4, ```what's mean that '$ ssh root@``'?
I don't have the raspberrypi, so can I use 'root@qemux86' instead of 'root@raspberrypi4?

And I just wonder that is it possible that using the samples on the emulator?
Is it possible that can I see "Hello, Web Application!!" in the emulator? If so, how can I do that? :disappointed_relieved:

Sorry for that I have lots of questions.. But literally I don't know anything... Please explain me :sob:

Thank you..

  • For build error, try with extreme low values for mcf command. Too much mcf values might cause the build error.
  • If you succeed to install the web app, and click the installed app in Home Launcher (a list of card which will be displayed on your monitor.) Then you can see "Hello, Web Application!!". (Please refer to the 5. Run the web app section of Step 4: Run and Verify the Web App


I tried to low values for mcf command like './mcf -p 1 -b 1 qemux86', but it still doesn't working. What should I do next?
And you mean that I can see "Hello, Web Application!!" in my emulator, right?
I have only the emulator(VM) and a desktop.
Thank you,

Try remove bitbake.lock file. (Refer to this.) Or delete all source and start again from cloing.

  • You will see the "Hello, Web Application!!" in your emulator if you succeed to run the app.

In tutorials step 4, ```what's mean that '$ ssh root@``'?
I don't have the raspberrypi, so can I use 'root@qemux86' instead of 'root@raspberrypi4?

Those are about ssh. Please refer to this for how to use ssh.

I removed bitbake.lock file, and it isn't works, so I deleted all source and start again, but it still doesn't working.
Error log is
NOTE: Retrying server connection (#1)...
NOTE: Reconnecting to bitbake server...
NOTE: Retrying server connection (#2)...
NOTE: Reconnecting to bitbake server...
NOTE: Retrying server connection (#3)...
NOTE: Reconnecting to bitbake server...
NOTE: Retrying server connection (#4)...
NOTE: Retrying server connection (#5)...
NOTE: Retrying server connection (#6)...
NOTE: Retrying server connection (#7)...
NOTE: Retrying server connection (#8)...
ERROR: Unable to connect to bitbake server, or start one (server startup failures would be in bitbake-cookerdaemon.log).

What should I do? :pleading_face:
Am I have to install a bitbake server? If so, how can I install that?


@heehee ,

After few days of testing, I got images without any problem...

Could you check if you can build ?
Replace last bitbake command as follows:

$ source oe-init-build-env

and then

$ bitbake

Also, please share your host machine's OS and its precise verison.


Thank you for your concern.
I checked and that comes 'Altered environment for qemux86@webos development'
My OS is Windows 10, and I also use Ubuntu.
And is this different that WebOS and WebOS auto?


  • Oh, my previous comment is somewhat misleading. I edited the comment please check it.
  • webOS OSE and webOS Auto share webOS core components, but some modules are different. Please understand that we cannot explain in detail about Auto because it is opened only for B2B partners.

It's still unable to connect bitbake server..
But I found the other way to install ipk in emulator, so it's okay.
Thank you for your concern!

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