Mr. Yunkwan Kim described in the Video (Timestamp >=14:26) how to create webOS SDK and his PPT slides shows images how to setup Qt-Creator and webOS Plugin .
I tried to find this information under webOS Guides, but didn't found it.
Can you guide me to the documentation how to setup the Qt Creator webOS Plugin?
If guide is under development, then are you able to upload/publish the PPT from the Video?
Our team are discussing about your request. (because of some issues such as copyright, etc..)
It might take some time to decide whether we provide it directly or not.
thank you for check. Additional I would like to know where I'm able to find the Qt Creator Plugin. I created the webos Image as described and afterwards I executed bitbake - c webos-image populate_sdk, but I cannot find it. I checked this page too, but did not found the plugin.