Attempting to use the 'merge' function to update a piece of data in the database, I get the following error back
{ errorCode: -3969,
errorText: 'db: kind not specified',
returnValue: false },
Error -3969 is not documented, nor is the behavior that i'm seeing:
I was giving
{ objects: [ { id: '...', ... } ] }
which, you may spot the error: "id" should be "_id". I'm not sure why specifying a "_kind" is acceptable when not specifying an "_id". As well, it asked me to insert the rest of the schema -- was the database attempting to do a /mergePut instead of a merge? Does /merge automatically fall to /mergePut ?
I'm confused -- I'd have expected it to error that I did not supply an _id to update, but it instead errors that I did not supply a _kind.
On top of all of that -- it's looking for "_kind", not "kind", as the error message suggests.
So, the documentation could use the error message, and a lot of clarification on exactly what behavior was going on there.