Pre-built Images RE-available 😁

We're pleased to announce that pre-built images are RE-available starting from webOS OSE 2.20.0. :tada::tada::tada:

You can download the images from the GitHub Releases page.

Until now, thanks to the dedication of the WebOS Ports community, we were able to provide pre-built images for webOS OSE. But this way had a few problems hard to solve, and it has become unsustainable.

So we tested several options for replacing it and decided to publish the images via GitHub Releases.

Pre-built images will be uploaded 2~3 days after the source codes are released.

See also the blog news.


Exista o posibilitate de a personaliza web os ose? Am nevoie să fac ceva care poate pentru motorhome, cu posibilitatea de a folosi aplicatii native fără probleme dar să fie adaptat nevoilor, dacă există o posibilitate open source de a pune aplicatii native ca YouTube, măcar LG să facă asta