Reason for shifting to the Enact framework from Enyo

I started developing for webOS since around March this year(2018) and back then the webOS developer site mostly promoted the Enyo framework for webapp development.
Now on the webOS OSE site it talks about the Enact framework.

Is there any reason for this change just for OSE or is it going to be included to the regular webOS moving forwad?

I can't tell you the why, but in case it helps, this was the Enyo discussion leading up to Enact:

...and here is a useful page showing which framework is supported by which webOS (TV) version:
My understanding is that Enact is the framework of choice going forward.

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I think the blog post linked to in that Enyo forum article really does a great job of explaining a lot of the thought that went into building Enact.

Ultimately, Javascript, and therefore node and the browser, is moving forward at an incredible rate of speed, and there's a whole heck of a lot more great stuff out there that can be leveraged both by framework developers and app developers, to build much better things, than there were when Enyo was first conceived. Back when Enyo 1 was thought of, Single Page Apps were practically an unknown thing. Now, i'm surprised when I see web sites that aren't SPA.

Enact sitting on top of React, instead of being it's own completely separate thing, allows the Enact team to leverage all the work that Facebook and the rest of the React community does for dealing with rendering, and also allows you, as an app developer, to take advantage of all the community work that has been done with React components.

For a personal project I'm working on, I started writing it using pure React, and transitioned into using Enact where appropriate when Enact was released. I'm also using several 3rd party React components inside it, with very little change whatsoever to deal with.

As a person who mostly "grew up" in the Javascript world using Enyo, I found it very easy to transition my Enyo knowledge into React, and once I had done that, I found it rather enjoyable to use Enact inside my React app.


It's great to always hear from those who've engaged in the technology from the earlier days to fully understand how far it has come.

I've yet use either Enyo or Enact for development, I just resorted to a simple HTML5 app for the time being since it's easier to iterate faster and have a MVP.