Is webos OSE work with new Raspberry pi 5

I am considering buying a Raspberry Pi 5, but I am unsure whether it has good compatibility yet, or if I should buy a Raspberry Pi 4 for now.

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Hi @Zk47_T, welcome to the forum.

We currently have no plans to support Raspberry Pi 5, so we recommend purchasing a Raspberry Pi 4.


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Can I ask you one more question?
Currently, I am using the webOS OSE emulator, which I built and run in VirtualBox.
Are there many differences between using the emulator and using a Raspberry Pi 4?
Is there anything in webOS OSE that can only run on a Raspberry Pi 4?

Due to HW restriction, there are many differences between the emulator and RPi 4.

Emulator doesn't support Wifi, media DRM, dual-HDML output, some services, etc.


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